Our identity
We live according to the agenda of heaven not of the world,, we react to the will of God not to the will of the devil, God be around you and you fail to know or recognize his presence, The house of God is the gate of heaven,, God dwelt in Temples in the old testament but the new testament says God dwells in his people,,
The Gate is the transitional point,, we are a gate to another world, you will produce what you are conscious of. We always reflect the nature of the world we are in, the presence of God changes the world as we go,, the devil wants us to anxious, we are restricted by our affections, said apostle Paul,, we have the river that flows thru us. David said search oh God,, when I find stuff that is not worth of him I ask him to cleanse me up,, make Jesus your quest,
The internal dwelling place of God is the people of God, John 1:14 the word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus became the flesh, Jesus is the initial fulfillment of the picture given in Genesis 28, and Jesus is the dwelling place of God before any body is born again. Jesus is dwelling place of God. Jesus said the son of man can nothing by him self. Jesus modeled life for us, am compelled to follow Jesus,
Jesus modeled life for those without sin, as the Father sent me I send you, the signs and wonders I did you do, when the holly spirit is in you are inside out. Jesus saved us unto a purpose,, and he starts revealing this in John 1,as you abide in Christ as you worship in the spirit there you are having angels descend and ascend because you are a gate, a transitional point. Psalms 103,

However you forgive I forgive,, we have the privileged to distribute the favor of God,, its not good when the church instead of standing for forgive condemns the world. Jesus did not teach in parables to demonstrate truth but he spoke in parables to hide truth.
Truth divides people. If I only obey what I understand then am creating a god just like me. Jesus is the word of God made flesh. Salvation means forgiveness of sins, deliverance, healing, and joy. The kingdom of is kings domain, the kingdom comes upon you each time God does his will upon you. His will is you being free of the enemy,, the kingdom of God is righteousness joy and peace in the holy spirit,, the spirit of God is there is peace, freedom. Jesus said his words are spirit, and the spirit contains the kingdom, people could access the kingdom by faith like the woman with an issue of blood. some thing happens every where we go,, when we go by the voice of God we change the atmosphere.
Keep you candle burning.
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