Our position in the kingdom of God is purely being sons,, we carry the glory of our family right from the mighty of our Dad who is the sovereign God,, the creator of the universe,, he is the richest and the most holy,, we know hi as the most high Dad,, he has kept us safe in his promise, where he did not spare his only begotten darling of heaven but gave him up for our salvation,, we are therefore his since that day on the cross when Jesus said its finished,, we therefore acquired out right to be called sons,, for who ever calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved,, whosoever believes in Jesus acquires the right to be called a son or daughter of God.
We then take the responsibility of doing our father’s will which is normal for us to do our fathers work,, When Jesus was found preaching the elders of the church at the age of twelve he was surprised to find out that his parents were afraid looking for him when he was doing the work of his dad,,,, Luke 2:47-50,, on the verse fifty it says they did not understand him,, Why? Because they were canal and the y lacked the revelation of ”my father’s business “,,that Jesus meant.. Jesus meant that he was doing our father’s business,, our business is simple,,
Being in the center of our dad’s will,, where our lord Jesus said we carry our crosses daily and follow him,, thus we need to first learn on carrying our crosses first before knowing how to carry our brother’s crosses,, at the same here we don’t need to know how heavy another person’s cross heavy it is since we are all in the struggle,, He again said how can a blind man lead another they will all fall into a ditch. It’s the work of the holy spirit to convict his people to repentance or change,, our work is to pray to God to change his people,,
We only present Jesus to them not Judgment,, for no one has ever been granted guilty not until is approved by the judge in court,, who is the judge? God is,, our ways are not his ways. Jesus sent us in Mathew 28:19,, he said “ go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit,, verse 30, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you and lo am with you and until the end of age,,
We were commissioned and our guidelines are straight no one is authorized to judge,, together lets make a difference in the end time harvest lets present Jesus not Judgment to the world, lets love them and show them the truth and the truth will set them free.
Missionary Edwin Businge
Stars of Hope Ministries Africa
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