Monday, August 29, 2011


Our position in the kingdom of God is purely being sons,, we carry the glory of our family right from the mighty of our Dad who is the sovereign God,, the creator of the universe,, he is the richest and the most holy,, we know hi  as the most high Dad,, he has kept us safe in his promise, where he did not spare his only begotten darling of heaven but gave him up for our salvation,, we are therefore his since that day on the cross when Jesus said its finished,, we therefore acquired out right to be called sons,, for who ever calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved,, whosoever believes in Jesus acquires the right to be called a son or daughter of God. 

We then take the responsibility of doing our father’s will which is normal for us to do our fathers work,, When Jesus was found preaching the elders of the church at the age of twelve he was surprised to find out that his parents were afraid looking for him when he was doing the work of his dad,,,, Luke 2:47-50,, on the verse fifty it says they did not understand him,, Why? Because they were canal and the y lacked the revelation of ”my father’s business “,,that Jesus meant.. Jesus meant that he was doing our father’s business,, our business is simple,,

Being in the center of our dad’s will,, where our lord Jesus said we carry our crosses daily and follow him,, thus we need to first learn on carrying our crosses first before knowing how to carry our brother’s crosses,, at the same here we don’t need to know how heavy another person’s cross heavy it is since we are all in the struggle,, He again said how can a blind man lead another they will all fall into a ditch. It’s the work of the holy spirit to convict his people to repentance or change,, our work is to pray to God to change his people,,

We only present Jesus to them not Judgment,, for no one has ever been granted guilty not until is approved by the judge in court,, who is the judge? God is,, our ways are not his ways.  Jesus sent us in Mathew 28:19,, he said “ go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit,, verse 30, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you and lo am with you and until the end of age,, 
We were commissioned and our guidelines are straight no one is authorized to judge,, together lets make a difference in the end time harvest lets present Jesus not Judgment to the world, lets love them and show them the truth and the truth will set them free.
Missionary Edwin Businge
Stars of Hope Ministries Africa

Sunday, August 28, 2011

co- labourers and not co- judges


I have a testimony that Jesus is the same yesterday today and for ever,, his words have not changed neither are going to change, either today or for ever and there is nothing that can take away his love for us, its not because that we do great things that we attain salvation nor because we talk good about our selves or others speak good about us to gain favor for attaining salvation,  For salvation is a free gift of God to us through Jesus his only begotten son, when we yield our hearts to him,, he also takes away the burden of sin from us, not because our might does he do this to us, The topic here is not our efforts but the LOVE of our father.

God has called us to be laid down lovers not self commissioned judges,, Mathew 7:13 , Jesus said to the disciples,, ”why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the pillar that is in your own eye?  When we take the course of being Judges we look the focus of our calling, we fight the grace of God and the blood of Jesus that has been poured for our sanctification, for no one justifies except God,, we are saved by grace not color or riches or tribe or the nation we belong, its just by grace and it alone,, we are called to be lovers not judges,,

All that we have struggled to have around us is Vanity of vanities all that can do is to seek the lord and live. Amos 5:4,, we all are living because the creator is waiting to hold us accountable on the way we have lived, we all need good things around us but what will it benefit us if we gain the whole world and loose our own souls?  We have reached a point when we see our selves as ones who will not be asked of any thing after we have even doubted the existence of God.. No matter what we think or do but God was, is and shall ever be, and nothing will ever change that.

With is all this mind we therefore know that God is love and we are also called to love not see the mistakes of our brothers and even go a head to condemn,, no no no ….we should see what God sees and do what God does since we are co – laborers in the work of the kingdom of God, with our master Jesus the first born of heaven. its  “Not by power nor by might but the spirit of God”. A judgmental brother’s tongue is a snare, that once trapped in it the weak stumble and its only the strong that survives.

 But the perfect love of God cast away all fear and creates an atmosphere of liberty and freedom. Sin creates fear because it from the devil and righteousness brings peace, Joy, liberty and freedom,, That is the nature of the kingdom of God. When Sin is in us we become more fearful, and fear can not work with Faith just as how you can’t make a mixture of light and darkness, fear erodes away faith and therefore we should flee from sin and resist the devil,, and enjoy the perfect will of God which total liberty and freedom from sin and maintain our faith.

We are God’s own possession, we are a holy nation, we are a chosen race a royal priest hood, God’s eyes, set apart for the special purpose of God…. We therefore come to the throne of Grace boldly to acquire grace in time of need,, we are God’s,, we should therefore not follow the lies of the devil, though you have sinned God can still forgive you, come now he is ready reason with and have you freed from all the bondage of the enemy and you will have all God’s love back on you though you may think he had forgotten you, no he hasn’t he still have you as son and waiting to receive you as a son in the house,, because of you he is sleeping day and night he left the 99 and is looking for you….who ever will call on the name of God will saved, he loves you. Yes he does……

Edwin Businge
Founder director
Stars of Hope Ministries.

Monday, August 22, 2011

our strength and Identity

Our identity
We live according to the agenda of heaven not of the world,, we react to the will of God not to the will of the devil, God be around you and you fail to know or recognize his presence, The house of God is the gate of heaven,, God dwelt in Temples in the old testament but the new testament says God dwells in his people,,
The Gate is the transitional point,, we are a gate to another world, you will produce what you are conscious of. We always reflect the nature of the world we are in, the presence of God changes the world as we go,, the devil wants us to anxious, we are restricted by our affections, said apostle Paul,, we have the river that flows thru us. David said search oh God,, when I find stuff that is not worth of him I ask him to cleanse me up,, make Jesus your quest,
The internal dwelling place of God is the people of God, John 1:14 the word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus became the flesh, Jesus is the initial fulfillment of the picture given in Genesis 28, and Jesus is the dwelling place of God before any body is born again. Jesus is dwelling place of God. Jesus said the son of man can nothing by him self. Jesus modeled life for us, am compelled to follow Jesus,
Jesus modeled life for those without sin, as the Father sent me I send you, the signs and wonders I did you do, when the holly spirit is in you are inside out. Jesus saved us unto a purpose,, and he starts revealing this in John 1,as you abide in Christ as you worship in the spirit there you are having angels descend and ascend because you are a gate, a transitional point. Psalms 103,
Angels give attention to his voice; the angels know the fragrance of the throne room. Flies are attracted to decay,. Demonic is attracted to decaying mind, and heart. Ephesians 4, speak edifying words, according to the need of the time,, to attain grace,, grace is divine favor.
However you forgive I forgive,, we have the privileged to distribute the favor of God,, its not good when the church instead of standing for forgive condemns the world. Jesus did not teach in parables to demonstrate truth but he spoke in parables to hide truth.
Truth divides people. If I only obey what I understand then am creating a god just like me. Jesus is the word of God made flesh. Salvation means forgiveness of sins, deliverance, healing, and joy. The kingdom of is kings domain, the kingdom comes upon you each time God does his will upon you. His will is you being free of the enemy,, the kingdom of God is righteousness joy and peace in the holy spirit,, the spirit of God is there is peace, freedom. Jesus said his words are spirit, and the spirit contains the kingdom, people could access the kingdom by faith like the woman with an issue of blood. some thing happens every where we go,, when we go by the voice of God we change the atmosphere.
Keep you candle burning.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kenya Kitalle Outreach 08th - 14th August 2011

Kenya Outreach Report

I first of all reach our heart felt thanks to the almighty God who enabled us do his will,, we again thank all of you who stood with us in the great harvest outreach,, we were able to rich may people especially the young ones whom we showed Jesus the hope of Glory,,  

We worked along side other missionary family based in Kenya who are both American citizens,, we thank God for them for they were a big blessing for us and the people of God, we were able to reach the orphanage homes in Kitale Kenya,, 

We went to one Rescue centre where we were well welcomed by the administrators of the home also American Family man and woman,,they are living 45 minutes from Kitale main town,, with over 100 children in there home, we got an opportunity to minister to them with puppet shows and the gospel of love and playing with them, they were very happy and we could see the love of God through them, and we were also told the stories on how they got to the home which were amazing some would be found on the streets abandoned in polythene bags and others on round about, others were found left alone in hospitals,, it was such a great time for us to reach out with love to such loved ones. 

Stars of hope ministries was represented by Missionaries Edwin Businge, and Steve Muhumuza,, 

we thank God for all of you who prayed for us  and supported us do this, we Did Jesus film show outreaches with the missionaries in Kenya John and wife who invited us and took good care of us. They assisted with our lodging and transportation within Kitale and feeding we thank God for them too. On the Jesus film shows many gave to their lives to the lord and we prayed for some whom we saw God heal.

National Coordinator, Pastor Mesach of Kitale Pentecostal church did a great Job of coordinating all these missions which lasted for one week, from 8th to 14 of august 2011,  we were able to reach another Orphanage home around town,, where we reached the children living there and we shared with them the gospel, I was able to share with the about our Father in heaven who has kept since I lost both my parents when I was 13 years of age and I also told them the God who has kept me can never let them down if they just clinged to him and saw him as the sole provider. They were happy because we reached them and they invited us to go back.

We then were able to move home full of Joy and may the glory go Back to the almighty,, we also thank the Staff of Stars of hope ministries who prayed for us and encouraged us to see this mission a success,, we have joy in Going low and slow,, we feel God is calling us reach more people in all ways,, we are hoping to make another international outreach to the Republic of Southern Sudan soon,, we believe there is hope we can share with our orphan and hopeless brothers and sisters who have lived under fear and neglect.

we also showed a Jesus film which brought many to the knowledge of Christ Jesus,, many came to the lord after the show,,people could come forth with tears running down and be prayed for, 

May God richly bless you all as you shine with us through the Darkness and bringing light to all corners darkest of the darkest the unloved and forgotten. We keep the candle burning until he comes,,


Edwin Businge
Founder Director
Stars of hope ministries Uganda, East Africa

Saturday, August 6, 2011

we have had good time

        we had really good time with the lord on our outreach  to the village of Mukunyu, we thank God who was there with us and for the great work done,, praise be to God.
one of our members playing drums on a gospel crusade,,
Denis doing security on a crusade ground
praying For the sick

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. -- Matthew 7:21

And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. -- Luke 23:46.
Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. -- Luke 9:1,2.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. -- Romans 10:9 

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. -- Hebrews 13:8
In trouble then and fear I sought
   The Man who taught in Galilee;
And peace unto my soul was brought,
   All my faith came back to me.

If Christ is the wisdom of God and the power of God in the experience of those who trust and love him, there needs no further argument of his divinity. 