Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Building hope on the foundation of love"

 "Building hope on the foundation of love"

What does it mean to be the face of God’s Love to the world around us? What would a revival look like that is powerful enough to change a nation on the brink?
L-O-V-E. It is a small four-letter word that will cost us everything. It cost Jesus everything. But for the JOY set before Him He fixed His gaze on His reward in the nations. A people from every tribe and tongue and language and nation. It is for the joy set before us we fix our eyes on the One Who is altogether lovely, on His reward. Walking in passion for our Jesus and compassion for the lives He places around us, it means giving without expecting, feeling His very heartbeat and surrendering to His rhythm as we follow Him wherever He goes.
We are part of: a generation who will run into the most desperate corners of the earth because they are so consumed in love, they are see-through as they carry His glory into the darkness. We are those who will stop for the one while believing for multitudes. Revival has a face. We see Jesus in the eyes of the dying, the broken and the lost. He came with ceaseless love for both the one and the masses.
We want release indigenous leaders and revival movements of love that look like heaven on earth. We choose to live life walking in the reality of His Kingdom come where the sick are healed, the dead raised, captives are set free. We settle for nothing less than all we are possessed by all He is and His beauty made known in the earth.
Our main focus is raising up a revival generation in Uganda: encouraging and equipping indigenous leaders, planting churches, caring for the poor and seeing the supernatural fire of God’s love be released where ever we go.Rising a generation that will Go for Jesus and Be Jesus to some one out there.

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