Friday, June 10, 2011


But this is God's hope in our text. So what was it? We find calling and hope linked together in 4:4. There must be a close relationship. Colossians 1:27, Christ among you (Gentiles) the hope of glory, shows that ultimately Christ is the hope. And where our hope is marks the place where our calling is. We are called to be in heavenly places where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. We also note in 2 Timothy 1:9 that our calling is a holy calling and is connected with a purpose that goes back before age times.
Our choice was also made before age times, before the overthrow (1:4).
Israel had a calling and a hope. But they were connected with a land and a people here on the earth awaiting the coming King of glory. That was when salvation was of the Jews.
But now, after Acts 28:28 salvation is of the Gentiles, and there is a new hope and calling. So we dare not confuse the two. We can preach Christ today without any reference to Israel or Israel's covenants. We can preach Christ today without any reference to the earth and the kingdom that is coming.
This hope of His calling was a part of the secret or mystery that was hid in God from ages and generations. But it is NOW made manifest to the saints. These saints are members of one body. And this secret, the dispensation of the mystery completed the Word of God. It is the last word.
Our hope? When Christ who is our life is made manifest, then shall we also be made manifest with Him in glory. His calling and our calling have placed us far above all principality and power.
The hope of His calling has such a high spiritual level that there is little historical detail as to how, when, and where it will be completed.
We are prepared by the will of the Father (1:4), the work of the Son (1:7), and the witness of the Spirit (1:13). These form a basis for the prayer. At the beginning of the prayer, Paul asks that the recipients be readied by 3 gifts; the spirit of wisdom, revelation, and enlightened eyes.
The 3 main parts of the prayer are that we may know; What is the hope of His calling, what the riches of the glory of His inheritance, and what the greatness of His power.
These all give us a setting for our subject, What is the hope of His calling?
There was a time when Gentile believers attending the Synagogue had no hope (2:12). What hope there was belonged to Israel. After Acts 10 the Gentiles could by faith thru grace share in the hope of Israel. But actually the Gentile believer of that time was without hope.
Even in Acts 28 Paul was in bonds for the hope of Israel, even after he had been preaching to Gentiles for many years. And that was Paul's hope.
So there was a time or season when Gentiles were without hope. But now in 2:13 marks the change, and the Gentile believers have had a hope ever since.
WHAT IS THE HOPE OF HIS CALLING,.Before we can tell what the hope is, we will have to settle the question of His calling, what it is and where it is. Then, whatever that may be and wherever it may be, will tell us what the hope of our calling is. For those that are in Christ are identified with Him very closely. In fact, this is their baptism. So now for the context.
Our question comes from Eph. 1:18. Beginning with verse 20 we read of Christ being raised from the dead, set at the right hand of Godin heavenly places, far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, both in this age and the age to come. All things are put under His feet, and He is Head over all to the church. This church is His body, His fullness.
Please note that there is nothing here about Christ being a high priest in the heavens, that He will take the throne of His father, David, or that He will be King of kings and Lord of lords. He was all of that in the dispensation of the promise and those that were in Him in that dispensation would have a hope in keeping a place on the earth or land which was promised to Abraham, they would look for a great millennial kingdom here on earth, and if they were overcomers, they would look for a ruling position under the great King. They would also look for His coming and the so-called rapture as a part of their hope.
But there is no such context in Eph. 1, and so then these things of another dispensation cannot possibly be a part of His calling , and that being the case, these things cannot be a part of our hope.
Our hope then is definitely linked with His session in the heavenly places - made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. If we suffer (endure), we shall also reign with Him - this in connection with principalities and powers in the heavenly places .
When we are exhorted to walk worthy of our calling, it is with these things in view. Have we made our calling and election sure?
Furthermore, the hope of His calling is in connection with a promise made in Him before age times concerning eternal life. This had nothing to do with the promise made to Abraham. It was not mentioned anywhere in connection with the dispensation of promise. The reason; it had to do with all creation , not just the earth. It included the heavenly places . So it was not revealed till Eph. 3:6, 2 Tim. 1;1, and Titus 1:2. It has to do with the church, not the kingdom. There is a difference.
We do not see Him as yet meeting His hope in its entirety, for He is still sharing His Father's throne. But some day He will be manifested in glory, but not without the church which is His body and of which He is the Head. So again our hope is intimately linked with His hope. So we cannot know what is the hope of our calling till we have first learned what is the hope of His calling.

Habakkuk 2:4...but the just shall live by faith. See our Photos from otreaches.

 The outreaches we go to we find there young ones who show me the real meaning of love,, we love them,, and they are amazing they are welcoming and more loving,

we are glad that God has given us the opportunity to bless our community with the gospel of love,,
Our Achievements.
1. we have been able to send one Boy, by the names of Tumusiime Steve to school, he is now in Senior one, we found this boy in the village,, he was was hoples and nobody believed in him,, we told him about Jesus, he God saved and we then taought him about ministry. we then decided to believe God througth the little resources we have to share with him, and send him to school,, we suported him from Primary 5 (five) and he compleeted his Primary Seven, now this year he joined Secondary school Education.

 we are really committed to our calling. us to preach the Gospel to the poor and to declare liberty to the captives,[ spiritual captives and physical captives], those who are in prisons and remand homes. Luke 4:18-19
In our ministry, we have an outreach team that visits prisons and remand homes every Sunday after service and on other appointed times to those prisons and Remand homes that are outside Fort portal town in other districts of Uganda. In this prisons ministry, we have faced some challenges, some of these prisoners are being tortured illegally and some are suffering so much due to lack of proper care , i.e. poor feeding, being over worked, lack of clothing, lack of cosmetics resulting into skin rashes and diseases.
In this regard, these prisoners need both spiritual and material assistance.
We therefore call upon international prisons outreach ministries and humanitarian aid organizations to intervene with material and spiritual assistance respectively.

The sick people who are admitted in hospitals are in two categories; there are some who are attacked by diseases,[ normal sickness],that can be treated by doctors with medicines and there are some who are attacked by demonic powers of Satan.
And you find both of these sick people admitted in the hospitals. we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has power to heal and set free all those who have physical and spiritual sicknesses.
In Christ vision ministries, we have a spirit filled team of ministers that go in hospitals preaching and praying for the sicch team to hospitals is lead by Brother Mugume J and through this ministry, God has done a n, many are getting healed miraculously and the demon possessed getting delivered by the power of God. [James 5:14-16, Luke 9:1-2].
We therefore call upon prayer warriors and intercessors from all over the globe to join hands with us in prayer for the sick people who are in hospitals.
Remember on the judgment day, Jesus will ask you, when i was in the hospital did you come to see me? , when we visit and pray for these people we are doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, be watchful!!

you can send one hopeless kid to school,, $70  per Term.
contact us, Stars of hope ministries. , Uganda. East Africa
P.O Box 800 Fort portal Uganda
Tell. +256 788 44 70 23

Below is Tumusiime Leading his fellow brother we also trained in singing,,at a function of thanks giving.

Steps to living by faith:  

There are 4 different scritptues that tells us that the "just shall live by faith"
Habakkuk 2:4...but the just shall live by faith.
Romans it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Galatians 3:11...for, The just shall live by faith.
Hebrews 10:38...Now the just shall live by faith...
Now this lets me know that God intends for me as a born again Christian that I should be living by faith, not by fear. Remember fear causes torment, and faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
Now seeing that we have been justified by faith and we have peace with God through Jesus Christ, that makes us to be "Just or Righteous" and II Corinthians 5:21 says For he (God) hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (Jesus).
Since we have been made the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus that means that we are the just and we should be living by faith. Now the steps to living by faith are this.
1. As a Christian you have to realize that you are the just or righteous because you are in Christ, so don't let the devil condemn you. (Romans 8:1 there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus)
2. Everybody has faith (Romans 12:3 God has dealth to every man the measure of faith), you just have to build your faith up. Just like everybody has the same amout of muscles,  a newborn baby to a full grown adult has the same amout of muscles and the more you work them the stronger they get. So you got to work your faith.
3. This is the big do I use or opporate in faith. Read Mark 11:22-24 it tells you to have faith in God and that whosoever shall say to the mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea....well you have to get God's Word into your heart and began to speak it out of your mouth; you have to say or speak the word because the word is what's going to build your faith.
4. Last thing remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. In other words your faith is going to be built up by hearing the word of God over and over and over again. There is no harm in repeating the Word of God because that's what's going to get you the victory, and faith is the victory that overcoves the world (it overcomes fear, doubt, unbelief, lack, etc...) Trust in God today and....Live By Faith!
God bless you.
Edie. Founder Director

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Building hope on the foundation of love"

 "Building hope on the foundation of love"

What does it mean to be the face of God’s Love to the world around us? What would a revival look like that is powerful enough to change a nation on the brink?
L-O-V-E. It is a small four-letter word that will cost us everything. It cost Jesus everything. But for the JOY set before Him He fixed His gaze on His reward in the nations. A people from every tribe and tongue and language and nation. It is for the joy set before us we fix our eyes on the One Who is altogether lovely, on His reward. Walking in passion for our Jesus and compassion for the lives He places around us, it means giving without expecting, feeling His very heartbeat and surrendering to His rhythm as we follow Him wherever He goes.
We are part of: a generation who will run into the most desperate corners of the earth because they are so consumed in love, they are see-through as they carry His glory into the darkness. We are those who will stop for the one while believing for multitudes. Revival has a face. We see Jesus in the eyes of the dying, the broken and the lost. He came with ceaseless love for both the one and the masses.
We want release indigenous leaders and revival movements of love that look like heaven on earth. We choose to live life walking in the reality of His Kingdom come where the sick are healed, the dead raised, captives are set free. We settle for nothing less than all we are possessed by all He is and His beauty made known in the earth.
Our main focus is raising up a revival generation in Uganda: encouraging and equipping indigenous leaders, planting churches, caring for the poor and seeing the supernatural fire of God’s love be released where ever we go.Rising a generation that will Go for Jesus and Be Jesus to some one out there.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hope Goes together with Faith

In a previous study, we examined the concept of covenant and its implications for us as the people of God, under the NEW Covenant, with Christ as mediator. We then examined the concept of ‘Authority’ and its place in our lives as covenanted people. 
This study explores the biblical concept of Hope, which springs out of our covenant relationship (which, as we have already seen, has been sealed by the death of Christ).
The study examines and differentiates between the secular and biblical meanings of hope.
Hope is different from believing, but exists because of it.
The study explores why and how the Christian’s hope is sure, and how it enables the believer in the present life.
If you don’t have biblical hope, you are lost!  We will see see why in this study.

As in previous sessions, let’s remember that we are not simply concerned with an intellectualizing of concepts, but an understanding that enables a practical outworking in our lives! Simplicity is the key!

What is ‘hope’? Is it necessary? What is biblical hope? Where does it reside? Is it the same as ‘believing’? These are some of the questions that we will be answering in this session.

Hope (generally) appears to be a psychological necessity. Without it, we would never be able to envisage the future.   It is something that resides in man without his even trying to understand why he entertains it! In other words, it appears to be a ‘natural’ inclination.  In this general sense, hope can often be something that is an illusion, an imagining that is desperate, or feeble, or even futile (wishful thinking!).

In general, it is legitimate to see ‘hope’ as a future expectation, even if it be illusory! (For example, the hope of being rewarded makes ‘work’ worthwhile). Very often, current circumstances or even human endeavours, reliance on possessions or human capabilities condition hope. When we consider ‘hope’ in this secular form, it is easy to see why the world does not regard ‘hope’ as a virtue!

So what makes Biblical Hope different?

The essential difference is really in its source.

When the Bible talks about ‘hope’, it is not talking about wishful thinking.  Many say, “I hope to have (something)” when what they really mean is “I wish to have (something).” Therefore, it is important to get a good grasp of what hope means to the Christian.

Hope can be defined as ‘a desire of something good, with a certain expectation of obtaining it’.  Biblical hope is certainty, not ‘probability’.

Hope is real because it is founded on faith in the factual content of the gospel, which is:
                1. Jesus was delivered to death on account of our sins;
                2. Jesus was buried;
                3. Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day (as the Scriptures foretold);
                4. We are reckoned righteous by believing these facts (i.e., no longer condemned).
It is on this basis (faith) that we have HOPE.

Biblical hope becomes possible when there is belief in the living God who acts and intervenes in human life and who can be trusted to keep his promises.

Hope isn’t the same as ‘believing’; but hope stems from it!  (E.g., Abraham’s hope that Sarah would give birth to a son, despite their situation). Biblical hope is therefore inseparable from, but not the same as, faith in God. Biblical Hope is the certain expectation of the future reality of God’s blessings, based upon the reflection of the activities of God’s faithful actions, as revealed in the Scriptures.

Hope resides in the mind.

Jesus never explicitly taught his disciples about ‘hope’; rather, he taught them not to be anxious about the future because that future was in the hands of a loving Father. He explicitly and consistently taught about ‘believing’.
(Think about the resurrection of Jesus in the context of ‘hope’; see 1 Pe. 1: 13, 21; 1 Cor. 15:19; Eph. 1:18).

What does hope hold for the believer? (In other words, what do we hope for?)
1.       Hope in Christ is not limited to this world (1 Cor. 15:19), but for eternity (1 Tim. 1:1).
2.       Being Christ’s disciple carries with it the hope of sharing in his glory ((Eph. 1:18); this is already stored up in heaven (Col. 1:5) and will be realized when the Lord is revealed (1 Pet. 1:13).
3. Things not seen (Heb. 11.1)
                That is, future blessings / events God has in store for believers (Rom. 4:18-21),
Which include:
1. Righteousness (Gal. 5:5): b). Salvation (1 Thess. 5:8) c); Resurrection of the dead (Acts 24:15); d) redemption of bodies (Rom.8: 23, 24); e). Eternal life (Jn.17: 3) and f). The return of Jesus (Rev. 22:20).

How can the Christian be SURE in his hope?
Because God’s promises are sure (1 Pe. 1:21)
·         Because of the work being done in us in preparation for Christ’s return (Philip. 1:6).
·         Because we have the hope of glory (‘Christ in us’, Col. 1:27).
·         Because hope does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5).

How does hope enable the believer right now? (Is it worth having?)
1.       Helps the believer to be satisfied with the temporary (momentary) and fleeting joys of this life (Heb. 13:14).
2.       Provides the stimulus (urge) to live a pure life (1 Jn. 1: 2-3) and enables cheerful suffering (i.e., encourages patience, steadfastness etc., Rom. 5:3-5).
·         We can be patient because we are confident (Rom.8: 25).
·         We can be joyous (Heb. 3:6, as children).
·         We can rejoice even in suffering (Rom.5: 4; Acts 16:19-25) and in the liberation that all creation will enjoy from bondage to decay (Rom. 8:20).
·         We can endure because of hope in Christ’s glorious return (1 Thess. 1:3: 1 Tit. 2:13).
·         We can rest perfectly secure in the knowledge of Christ and in his promise to come back for us. We have an anchor (Heb. 6:19).


Consider this


Remember faith and hope go together; they are inseparable. When you have faith, you have hope and vice versa.  In fact, they are bound together with love, which “covers all”.