Stars of Hope
Ministries Front Line News…..
I greet you
in the mighty name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, it’s been a while since
I last wrote to you the ministry updates, and a lot has happened God has been
very faithful in everything we have done. It would have been very impossible if
it wasn’t that God has been with us.
This year we
planned to have a number of things to done, we have been able to achieve most
of them, and these are, a worship
Conference in August, and as well as starting up a Bee keeping project that can help the community and the ministry
objective of reaching out to the HIV/Aids affected and infected children,
families and communities in East and Central Africa. As well as a Kindergarten school.
Below are
the updates.
We hope to
build a house of worship and prayer soon as the lord provides, my dream is to
see the African bride worship God in Truth and spirit, together in Unity, share
the word pray and receive Prophetic words, and also learn to pray
In our
worship ministry we have one Guitar, and its codes, we need another guitars,
and a small portable sound system that can help in our future worship
gatherings as well as in bush bush worship outreaches. You can contact me if
you can help in any way. Bless you.
2. We have
been able to begin Bee Keeping with
the Help of Bee keepers for Christ, we now have three of our hives Colonized
and in March we are going to have our first Honey Harvest, we hope to have at
least 20litters of Honey for the beginning. We shall sell some to buy more
Hives, and share some with HIV/Aids infected people because they need it more
since it’s a highly nutritious Food.
We hope to
extend the project to DR Congo to the pygmy communities; these people suffer a
lot with issues of food, since they are being forced to leave the forest where
they get food, to be brought to Bantu communities the life they are not used
to. They are hunters and they also feed on wild Honey as their staple food,
they don’t know how to keep bees for proper honey harvesting, they kill all the
bees and eat the Honey which is very Destructive, thus they lose all the bees
that would help them get more honey in future, I hope we can train them and
they learn to become Bee Keepers since they even live in the Forest.
In this bee
keeping outreach project we need more bee hives as well as the apparatus to
handle honey, and process it into these useful products. We so far have been
able to get more Bee keepers who are working alongside us, who can sell us the
honey, and other products.
We borrowed
the land we are using to keep bees, and the land is small, also the owner wants
us to start renting it beginning with March immediately after our first
harvest. We now believe God for our own land where we can effectively carry out
our farming and ministry, on this land God is going to give us, we shall put up
more Hives and a school for training other people that would like to become bee
keepers, as well as a place to process the honey for more products. In this
school we hope t bring the pygmies in for training and send them back home,
since traveling from Congo to this place is closer. And other training for the
pygmies shall take place in Congo for those that cannot move into Uganda for
We have
identified a place where we need to put a kindergarten
school, this place is called Busanza in Kyenjojo District western Uganda,
the kids of 3years walk 18kms every day to and from school, the place has only
one government school which is of very low standard and the parents take their
children to these distant school for better education but the kids get to
school when they are very tired and thus they don’t get what they struggle for,
the biggest percentage in this area is not educated at all, there is no any
health facility in this area, and because of poor standards of living people
even give birth in their homes.
I feel
giving education to this community would be saving it from a lot dangers that
they face because of ignorance, I have agreed to the man who owns one house to
rent us his house and he agreed to gives to us at $38 per month, though it needs
some renovation, and cleaning, we will also need some chairs, as well as office
furniture. We hope to get this school running next year in Febuary, My
intention is to help especially the Children that have lost their parents get a
chance to learn. And on this house we shall also put a rescue home for the
homeless and un parented. We hope to begin with few class rooms. And grow
You can
contact me for more information, if you can advise, of help in any means we
need you much more than you can imagine, any contribution will help greatly.
Contact me
on. Email:, or
Tell: +256
788 44 70 23. 0r +256 706 303 362.
Businge ( usalama Child)