Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ministry activities

                                                      Gospel outreach In Kicwamba Kabarole District western Uganda,
ministry of singing doing the praising and worship.
school ministry outreach
Areas we need inmprovement
We have a limitation of transport where by we hire a car to get us to places we are to go on each outreach we make..
This limits us on time we are to spend praying for the people out there and also how far we can go…
2) we both stay away from each other and we are limited by distance,, we lack a place that can easily get us together, a place we have termed as an office where we can meet and pray and discuss our way forward,
3)we also intend to get the a permanent area we can establish a place of worship..
4) facilitation in terms of finances to put all these programs together and running the ministry…..
5) prayer and word encouragement,,,,,
May God bless you and keep as you as you intercede for us in our prayer requests
Donate now and you will be blessed
Matthew 21:21-22
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Ephesians 1:12-13
In order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

Full Gospel

We have able to reach the district of Kabarole and its neighboring districts ,, we have reached these people in there home places, we have found them in there gardens and work places and have shown them Jesus the hope of Glory… w also find the youth in their schools, we have formed scripture union clubs in these schools and have elected leaders there who elect others after their term of office..
In these schools many boys and girls have received Jesus as there lord and savior, and they have finally come out of these school and become powerful ministers of the gospel of the kingdom, and many of these have been trusted and elected as leaders of the students f these school we operate in in,, we both go to primary and high school, and we are now targeting universities,, in the next year of 2011 to 2015 outreach plan..
These students are amazing people of God who I enjoy ministering to,,,,


Dicipleship program

After telling these people about Jesus we call them In and tell more about Jesus,, we pray for them and we teach them about being baptized with the holy spirit, and the water, there we give them scriptures which show them more vivid truth about the Jesus they have come to,, we also give them asurerance that he is the only hope and joy we need despite the ups an downs our people go through like poverty and dangerous diseases the have suffered for long like.. AIDS and cholera and other minor diseases. Most of them have been able to live even longer…
We also give them foundational teaching where we train them about ministry and also we teach them about how to live the new life in Jesus, and also to know that he cares and will keep them…Your hunger and thirst for God will be stirred up.
-You will receive anew and fresh anointing of prayer and intercession.
- Your faith will be stirred up to believe God for bigger things in life and ministry.
- Your calling, vision and ministry will be released and reactivated.
- You will receive an anointing of taking Nations and cities for Jesus
- Leaders will be envisioned and equipped with skills for break through in life and ministry.
-The anointed and powerful session of praise, worship and prayer will usher you in an over whelming presence of God.
As the body of Christ, we have entered into a new season, a time of supernatural happenings God has poured forth anew prophetic and apostolic anointing in greater dimensions he is equipping the church with strategic warfare method of prayer and intercession, releasing a new level of spiritual authority and mandate to destroy the devil works and expand the kingdom of God.
Many are being empowered for kingdom work to bring healing for the Nations and restore hope to a suffering humanity.
This is a special time where you take a step into your next level of Gods anointing and pursue your destiny and boldly move into your victory.
In these conferences God does exceedingly great things which become a historical event and a turning point in people’s lives and ministries.


Outreach programes

We intend to to expand our vision of “””Knowing Jesus and Making him Known”””””To all the places where God is sending us.. We have seen him provide for us by giving us prophetic words which have shown us insight in this.. Though the harvest is Ripe and the harvesters are few.. We therefore call on you and all every one around you to pray for the lord of the harvest to send in more harvesters...people are hungry for the gospel and they are waiting to the manifestation of the children of God..
Slowly and lowly we can reach them all.. Having or not having what we think is enough we can still go into these forgotten areas and we expand his kingdom and also tell them about the new hope Jesus.. Who can do all that man has failed to do..
We have done HIV counseling to those already affected with HIV/Aids and we have restored to them the hope in life and purpose in life.. And also living for Jesus…